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March 2022

Hello to our wonderful community. I know it has been a while since we have posted a
newsletter. So much has happened. Here’s an update on the most important recent events.
Direct-Line Insurance, ATB and Alberta Registries have temporarily relocated to the
Cultural Centre while waiting for their new building to be constructed. We wish them a
successful and speedy rebuild. Once that happens……..
….we are excited to be moving forward with our next phase of construction, which is new
flooring throughout and the equipment and products required for maintaining. We have
been successful in receiving $25,000 from New Horizons for Seniors and $25,000 from
Community Facility Enhancement Program. This is so much appreciated. Without these
grants it would be very difficult to offer a high quality venue and events to our community.
The stage area will be removed to make the area more usable and increase safety. A
portable stage will be purchased or made in the future.
Here are a few other highlights of the past couple years:
- Yard tree removal and trimming
- Purchased the land in behind the WCC
- Had a couple of successful 50/50’s
- Had a huge increase in our Facebook followers.
- We received our Charitable Designation, so we can give charitable receipts to
We are grateful to our tenants, West of the 5 th Law, who continue to rent a space. Sew
Heavenly Quilters (Thurs) and Busy Brushes (Wed) also use our facility. If you have an
interest in either of these Arts, you are welcome to join these friendly groups
A Big Thank You goes out to our great Board of Directors both past and present. We are
always welcoming new members to the Warburg Cultural Society. Nothing is ever
accomplished alone.
Please check out our Facebook page for more information and updates. Feel free to contact
any of the Board members if you have inquiries.

“There is great power in the thoughts we think and the words we speak.”

God Bless you all. Stay safe and healthy. Please pray for the Ukraine and all those suffering

because of this unwanted war!

Get in Touch
Newsletter: Welcome
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